Monday, October 04, 2004

Amnesty International accuses Canada of ignoring violence against aboriginal women

OTTAWA - Canadian officials and police are failing to protect aboriginal women from violent attacks and ignoring the acts when they occur, according to a report from Amnesty International.

Released on Monday, the report harshly condemns Canada's "indifference and apathy" toward native women, particularly those who end up in the margins of society, such as sex trade workers.

Aboriginal women aged 25-44 are five times more likely than other Canadian women of the same age to die of violence, said the report. More than 500 aboriginal women have gone missing or been murdered over the last 30 years.


It is so good to hear that these issues are finally getting international attention. I have been hearing about this discriminintaion for years. I remember my father condemning a judge in Fort St. John for not protecting the aboriginal girls. There were problems with the young women being raped on the reservations, and the judge's response was that they should know better than to be out there, and that they should protect themselves better. Can you believe that? All the responsibility on the women.

But it is a man's world, isn't it? I like to believe that things have changed, that women have more respect, that we are equal citizens, but then you hear of the same old stories, the same laddish behaviour going unchecked, women's vulnerabilities exploited. And it is difficult, because I think men keep these secrets. The eternal boys club. Which is cool, or "harmless" until they have daughters. Women will rarely hear of men's real comments. How are we supposed to protect ourselves, when we don't even know what the reality is? How are we supposed to know the lay of the land, when it is hidden? And I am surprised sometimes, by the people who will silently allow this bullshit, because they don't want to be the "odd" man out. It's total crap.

I certainly don't hate men, I am just weary of their blanket acceptance. So weak!


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