Monday, October 11, 2004

The Global Portraits room is quite phenomenal. I think, my favorite room, it is very cool to see these visual languages overlapping.

This is an artistic expression of earthquakes. Love it! A group called Sensorium.

The idea that underscores this whole room, is that when people were able to see the planet as an entity, they began to understand it as a whole, as a precious livable island floating in a very inhabitable space. In fact, after seeing the ozone hole published in the NYT in 1986, legislation was passed to ban CFCs. The world was not a limitless frontier after all.

Possible room interaction: have the kids walk in the room, but not look at the legend tables. Ask them to find the image that shows: 1) satelite surveillance; 2) mapped space debris; 3) ozone hole; 4) flight patterns; 5) earthquakes.

But I would much rather have them go to the image that they find most compelling/interesting/curious/mysterious, make a guess at what the image is, and then read the legend table. I'd like them to come up with their own possibilities, it might make it more interactive for them.

There is no way we can look at all of these, that would take too long, and we have to cover the imaging room at in the same period. The questions are going to be so integral to creating a flow to this tour.


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