Sunday, November 07, 2004

So we are completely disappointed by the results of the election. In fact, I don't think there are words for the dispair felt at the turn of the tides. Or, more correctly, the continuous flow of the sewage downhill. The US is sinking, and we in Canada are unfortunately intimately connected to them. From the maps, we see, it is the middle, the large sprawling middle of America, swathed in red, charging with their electoral capital.

How can we reach these people? I think we need to visit them, as Canadians, and the international community. I recall envoys of citizens travelling to Iraq and Afganistan, in the name of peace. I think we need to travel to these states, to let them know personally that there are other ways of living. But not in a confrontational way. In a very quiet, friendly, unassuming way, like stopping by for a barbeque, or a game of croquet in the backyard. I think there is a desire to grab the leaders of the country and shake them into line at this moment, but that is not going to do anything. It is in the hands of the people to make the shift as much as the leaders.


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