Thursday, January 13, 2005

Canada poised to join missile project before 2004 election: documents

Previously unreleased documents from late 2003 and early 2004 show Canada was close to signing a deal to join the U.S. missile defence program before last June's federal election.

The documents, obtained by CBC News under the Access to Information Act, show Prime Minister Paul Martin's government was committed to the program.

Officials from the departments of National Defence and Foreign Affairs expected an agreement to be signed within months. Spring or summer of 2004 was mentioned as a likely time frame.

The National Defence documents lay out many reasons why Canada should join the American missile shield network, in the opinion of military officials, and few counter-arguments.

A strategy paper prepared by Defence and Foreign Affairs says that while Canada is not threatened by incoming missiles now, the risk is likely to increase over the next 15 to 20 years.

It takes little logic to deduce the risk will increase because our neighbours to the South have little intention of calming their militaristic tirade. Because their plan to continue invading and attacking other countries, and selling armaments to anyone they choose, they know that they will receive retaliation in some form in the next 10-20 years. As a Canadian, this arrogance is incorrigable. It's like having to build a fence, because your neighbour keeps throwing rocks at the other houses, and because you live beside him, you are in harms way.

And there is nothing to be afraid of!!!!!!!!!


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