Saturday, November 20, 2004

Do we ever need this RAV transit line. 24 minutes to get from downtown to the airport. Right down Cambie St into Richmond, which will provide excellent service for Richmond. I am envisioning the Oak Street bridge without the rush hour jam. Beautiful.

Now if they can just stop arguing about the cost ... though 100 milion over budget is steep. They are confident they can find the money, but by selling a park and ride space? Is that wise? They are definately going to push the extra cost onto the public, there is no doubt about that. I don't mind my tax dollars paying for this at all, the benefits of this line are worth it. We need to get on with it and pay for mass transportation now. It's just going to get more expensive, and the problem of traffic is increasing daily.

Which brings me to the larger problem, people that plan their lives around driving. Why would you want to make yourself dependant on a machine? Ridiculous! I understand that for transporting children, large groups, the elderly, yes, we need the convenience. But I watch people cobble themselves willingly, putting themselves in situations where they are completely stranded without their car. Young healthy people who should know that everytime they drive their car, they are destroying the environment. It's so short-sited.