Friday, January 09, 2004

We spoke at length about this painting today. The clue: Find a picture where the sky takes up most of the painting. The kids had some of the best comments! I asked them if they thought this picture was about the sky, and one said, the reason you see so much of the sky is because all of the trees have been cut down. Emily didn't like logging."
First tour of the year today. Eight grade 3's, very bright, all in uniform. After a month off, my touring skills were certainly rusty, not much form. I talked myself into a corner several times, and found myself repeating the same thing over and over. Poor kids, they were very polite, but I could tell they were bored. Perhaps it was the yawning???

I was able to give them a good 8 minutes for sketching in the Art room, and they were all very skilled. That is the best part of the tour, save for the workshop, because they really have a chance to experience art-making, instead of just looking. Of course, I enjoy the art hunt in Place, because Emily Carr's tree paintings are so beautiful, they are wonderful to look at and talk about.

We have a docent lunch on Tuesday, and our first meeting. I had to miss most of our meetings in December due to work, and it is so important that I don't let that happen again. It's like being in school again, and when I miss, I don't feel as much a part of the group.